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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Winter Skin and Foot Repair!

Yikes it's dry around here. I use this scrub all year round but I wanted to wait until I had to make it again so I could get some pictures for you guys and post about it. This is my coffee scrub. I use it about once a week on my whole body and daily on my feet. Coffee has some great benefits. Number one it smells great. The caffeine is supposed to reduce puffiness in skin and also reduce cellulite  one more time REDUCE CELLULITE  The next great thing is also it's downfall, coffee stains. One your skin it's very subtle and gives you a wonderful little glow. The issue is if you use it every day and then go to a wedding in the 9 degree heat it will leave a ring on your new Calvin Klein dress reminiscent of a spray tan. So here's what you need.

1 cup ground coffee
2/3 cup raw sugar
1 tablespoon olive oil
(optional 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder)

In a air tight container mix ingredients together. You can add chocolate if the smell of coffee isn't something you like. the chocolate will over power the coffee smell, but it makes an even bigger mess and can come off on your towels and clothes if you are sweaty.
Mix together with a fork until oil is distributed  It will look a bit like wet sand. then close it up and shake it really well

This is is. You can use this all over your body, but make sure to rinse the shower well when you are done or again, it will start to stain. You will notice a difference in you dry cracked feet after the first time you use it. At least I do. 